Pay Per Click campaigns now have a feature that allows you to “deep link” into a client’s website with your ads to multiple pages — a way to improve your user experience for branding campaigns.
Site links are a list of links to pages within a site that appear right below a listing within the results page — both for paid and organic search results.
Here’s an example from Bing:

Sitelinks on Bing Search Engine
Some caveats for paid sitelinks:
* Branded terms work best for sitelinks. If necessary, you might have to create a separate campaign just for branded terms, since the sitelinks option is available on a campaign-level basis. This might be a good opportunity to test whether this option actually saves you money on clicks on your branded terms. Use “phrase match” option with these keywords to ensure that the actual branded term is included in the search terms.
* The actual links *must work*. Unfortunately for large megasites, intermittent page errors is a huge problem. If you create a site link to a “Contact Us” page, then make sure that the page actually works. Then, set up a monitoring tool that scans your client’s site for 404 or other errors every day. If you do not, then you run the risk of people clicking on the paid sitelinks — and racking up PPC charges for you — even though the clickers will end up on broken pages.
* Check your metrics. See what are the most popular pages visited by organic and paid visitors– you might be surprised. And yes, the “careers” or “job opportunities” page is probably in the top 5 of visited pages. That’s okay — use those pages for sitelinks anyway.
* In order for the sitelinks to appear, the ads must appear in the first position for paid search results and have a high quality score.
Activating Sitelinks in Google
The first step to activating this feature is logging into your Adwords account, and selecting the campaign on which you would like display site links. From there you will click on “Settings” and scroll down to the “Networks, devices, and extensions” section. (see image below).
In this section, you will click on the “edit” button associated with the “Ads Extensions” category. This will bring up editable fields, where you can manage your Adwords site links.
Good luck! This is a relatively new feature with PPC campaigns, so keep in mind that you will have to monitor and measure their effectiveness against your baseline results before you separated the branded terms.